Being a woman takes a lot of responsibilities in life. We are bound to set our own standards with our self. Most of the times, we are stereotype by what the society think about us. By the thing we can or cannot do. Way back then, women has no voice through the public. We are used to being tamed and not speak our minds at all but today it is a whole different thing. The Movie Mona Lisa Smile tells us how women are like before than women in modern times.
Julia Roberts being their "liberated" art professor influenced their students to think out of the box and not be contented with only the idea of being a "housewives". In the movie it shows that some of these woman have potential on having a career because of their God given talent but still they don't want to use it and they are always used to the fact that woman are bound and destined to do that way. As time goes by the idea of women being in their house is changed because nowadays it is never a question of what gender are you. It is always what you can offer and what skills you have as a person. I'm glad that it changed and many of us women are making their names on the different fields. It maybe on sports, education, jobs ect. History can change by what we can do as an individual.
The movie Mona Lisa Smile is a perfect example of feminism theory and gender ideology because in the feminism theory woman can go a long way. What men can do, women can. There's no way we can't do what men can. Gender Ideology is a stereotypical way of labeling what men and women can work on. When it comes to their hobbies, favorites, sports and the job we are to take. Good thing that as time goes by things like these change and we are bound to have a better future because of the thinking we have. Again, It is never a question of what gender you are as long as you have the passion, skills and talent for that thing anything is possible!