Monday, July 16, 2012

HBO's "The Newsroom"

As a mass communication minor in broadcast journalism student I can somewhat relate with the issues that has been tackled embark upon the program itself. There are many things that have been brought about by the show and as I watched the episode the more I feel that I am on the right track with the course that I’m in. It inspires me to push further on my studies and be the best that I can be someday.

          The program started with the member of the said news show Atlantis Cable News (ACN) channel having a conference in a school and Jeff Daniels as anchor Will McAvoy  scolded the student that asked something regarding the conference that lead that news anchor being an hot item. Basically the episode revolved on what they called the “breaking news” about a certain issue and the dilemma was if they are going to air it or not. The current executive producer Emily Mortimer as MacKenzie McHale didn’t want to air that news because he believes that it’s not that important while the news anchors ex- girlfriend believes it is important. Now it ended up that she had to replace the guy executive producer for them to air that show and for them to be the first news show that will air that biggest issue. It was really a big risk for them to produce a show without even a script on it. Luckily the show had ended really successful and they reached their goal to be one of the first news stations to air that said issue. They we’re all very proud on what they had achieved and inspired to be one of the best news shows in television. They’re doing this for the betterment of the media and for the credible source of news that people would watch.

          HBO’s show “The Newsroom” portrayed different dimensions when it comes to social, political, cultural and economic resources dimension of the practice of broadcast journalism. Their social practice is just like any other news shows when it comes to work ethics they just all wanted to be the number credible source of news. Their cultural aesthetics was upon reaching their goal as to be the best news show with regards to the content and the fastness of news source. It is political in a sense that they or we always consider the big names in the industry if we would air this particular show/ topic or not. Their economic practice of broadcast journalism as portrayed in HBO’s “Newsroom” is when they always consider what the economy says on the topic just like the newsbreak that they will air, it is really important for the public to know about the situation in the oil because it is a major issue to tackle for the public also to be aware. It’s really nice to see their effort and the greatness of their team when it comes on giving the current news to the people. I can also see on the show how they value their work and how important everybody’s role when it comes on creating best news program in town.

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